I didn't fit in very well with the clique that is the Hicks administration. Some could argue that it just was a clash of personalities. Hicks ran on a platform of "honesty and integrity," which implies accountability. That would mean that Hicks would've been a man I should've gotten strongly behind. However if hypocrisy is the greatest luxury, then Principal Chief Michell Hicks is living in the lap of it. His hypocrisy was the basis for much of the conflict between us.
Anyone is welcome to question my integrity, but the truth is there is no real dirt on me. Feel free to do a background search. In addition to North Carolina, I've lived in Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri and Alabama. I've been in every state east of the Mississippi River, except Rhode Island. West of the big river, I've been in Minnesota, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada and California. In Canada I've been in Ontario and New Brunswick, but aside from that I've never left the United States. If you find anything other than traffic offenses, that's news to me.
Can't say the same for some of the big players with Principal Chief Michell Hicks:
* Chief Hicks himself was charged with assault on a female in 1999. Think about that next time he signs a domestic violence proclamation.
* Vice Chief Larry Blythe was charged with child abuse after striking his son with the buckle end of a belt.
* Chief Hicks Uncle Robert "Squinch" Long is a convicted sex offender. The chief appointed him to serve on the Tribal Employment Rights Office Board of Commissioners.
* Brandon Stephens, who ran unsuccessfully for County Commissioner in Jackson County, was convicted of rape in 1994. While no doubt that Stephens has done good work getting grants and other money for the tribe under three different chiefs, including Hicks, when I brought his record up at the time he was running, he accused me of using it as a smear against the chief.
* Chief Hicks ally Angie Kephart was recently charged with domestic violence after hitting her husband. The charges were dismissed.
* Big time Hicks supporter and campaiger Glenda Sanders, Kephart's mother, received probation and a suspended sentence for a misdemeanor offense in 1986.
* Deputy of Finance Charles Penick was charged with assault.
It seems if I had beaten up my wife, raped a couple of women and committed some other crimes, particularly crimes of dishonesty, I probably would've fit in just fine with this administration. I never particularly cared whether the chief liked me, and I still don't. I'm not going to cry in my sandbox because Michell Hicks won't play with me. That I'm an outcast, is something I should take as a blessing. Some would say it's a badge of honor.