
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do We Come Up With $9 Million?

I can't say that the tribe can come up necessarily with $9 million to make up for the shortfall in its budget, but I do have some money saving suggestions.
* Close down all projects run by the tribe that have become money pits. This includes the theater and the golf course.
* Review certain services and those that aren't essential, like home senior citizen repairs, put on hold.
* Freeze all travel. This I understand is already being done.
* Abolish the deputy level of tribal government. While I don't like to see layoffs or reductions in staff, this is a completely unnecessary level that only serves to insulate the chief further from being accountable to his constituents.
* Cut pay and benefits to tribal elected officials. I don't want to hear that crap about how hard these guys work. Some do. But some aren't worth the paper their checks are printed on. It's the height of arrogance to serve one's self while the constituents struggle to make ends meet.
These options are far better then mass layoffs, or implementing or raising taxes.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Transparent as a Cinder Block

“It’s tough to discuss, but I also think it’s healthy,” said Principal Chief Michell Hicks, the One Feather reported. This was in reference to the $9 million projected shortfall in the tribe's budget.
If hypocrisy is the greatest luxury, Chief Hicks is living in the lap of it. His response to casino projections falling short of those that the tribe's leadership banked upon to do its budget planning was to throw the casino under the bus and point the finger for the lack of communications coming from the casino.
Yeah, let's not accept any responsibility chief. You could've asked for that information at any time, and you would've gotten it. Remember when you were director of finance under Joyce Dugan. You and I used to collaborate to publish that information. We were required by law to publish it. Then one day it just abruptly stopped.
Let's not also forget that you vetoed the public information law, and no enforcement is occurring in cases of non compliance. I won't go into your refusal to abide by the free press act, even amending it so that one of your lapdogs would automatically be on the editorial board, taking away any opportunity for future chiefs and council members to have a say in the appointment process. (You won't be chief forever, despite the assertion of some of your supporters that you were ordained by God to be our chief.)
Chief, I actually could respect you if you'd own your mistakes, accept responsibility and work to prevent occurrences in the future. What we get is you standing naked in front of the mirror while Tribal Council lauds your wardrobe choice.
In the meanwhile, how about we start basing budget plans on realized revenue instead of projections.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

$9 Million Shortfall for the Tribe

A $9 million budget shortfall - anyone surprised? Not me. This is reckless. Please remember this next chief's election, and elect someone who'll do more than throw Harrah's under the bus.