
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Joe Martin is Running for Council

Alas, I've decided to join the dark side. I've crossed over from journalism into politics. Let's just say it's been a calling. I'm running for Tribal Council to represent Cherokee County and Snowbird.
I could no longer stand on the sidelines. While I felt I did my best to keep tribal members informed so they would make informed decisions, I really feel as though my efforts weren't enough. Plus right now, newspapers are struggling to survive, and who knows how long I could keep it up. The only printed newspaper right now is the One Feather, tribally-owned and funded, with strings attached. So whatever information is being presented in that publication could be questionable, particularly since it falls under the leadership of Marketing & Promotions, whose goal is to "put the best foot forward," which means those goals conflict with those of a newspaper.
My platform consists of much of what I advocated as editor of the One Feather and publisher of the Cherokee Times, freedom of the press, open government, accountable government, and now ethical government. I also want to put tribal government back in the hands of the people. The current leadership seems to have forgotten why they're there, and who they work for. I will never forget.
I plan to keep tribal members informed of my campaign, the issues of importance to them, and where I stand. I will be honest, open and accountable and I encourage all other candidates to do the same. To those residing in and/or registered to vote in Cherokee County/Snowbird, I'll appreciate your support and I will be a strong representative for you.

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