
Friday, September 2, 2011

It is What it Is

Well it's no secret that I'm disappointed in the election results. But rather than wallow in self pity, I feel I should keep doing what I've been doing. Keep in mind, I do hope our tribe prospers. I do hope now that Michell Hicks can get a compact expanding gaming, and I do hope he straightens out the tribe's finances. I do want the best for our tribe regardless of who leads it. However, I don't have faith that Michell will do those those things, and I don't trust him. Since we have no free press to serve as a watchdog for our tribal interests, its up to private media like this (I'm not considering this journalism since I'm clearly advocating one side). We've got to offer an alternative to the One Feather, a rebuttal to the chief's newspaper if you will. So that's what I intend to do. Those of you who don't like it, start your own blog, or stick with Michell's newspaper. At least right now you have a choice.

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